Monday, September 1, 2014

Frustrated Rant

So my plan today was to get a sim card to finally be able to use my phone, and then to register for my Alien Registration Card. Both of which is a must have for me to survive in Korea for 4 months. 

When I went to the KT Olleh global store in Gangnam, there was only 1 English speaker in the whole store. But that was not the problem. She was helpful and all (though I feel like she was a bit annoyed with me for some reason) but I spent almost 1.5 hours in that store. And the things is, I walked out empty handed, meaning I still have no way to communicate with people right now. Apparently the sim card is fine and the problem was actually my phone. I was told that my phone is not compatible in Korea. Which does not make sense to me at all. It is an unlocked smart phone. I bought it in Hong Kong and brought it over to Canada to use which works completely fine. I swear it's something to do with Sony and Korea, where Korea has restrictions on Sony phones, which is utterly stupid.

So after being disappointed from the phone store, I went to the Seoul Immigration Office hoping to at least get something done today. First of all, that place is so hard to find, with no directions what-so-ever. Second of all, the line was so long. I waited for 1.5 hours and only around 20 numbers were called. There were still at least 60 numbers before me. So yet again, I left empty handed. 

I now have a Korean Language Program class coming up. I REALLY, SINCERELY, hope that this goes well. I don't want my whole day to be messed up. 

So I was supposed to publish a move in post yesterday, but I was too tired by the end of the night, so maybe I'll finish that up today and I'll have double posts!! Laters!

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