Tuesday, September 2, 2014

All moved in!

After a week of being a tourist, I'm finally moved into my dorm here at SNU.

It has been a long week, going around Seoul with my parents. Trust me, jampacking all the tourist sights into 6 days or so is very tiring.

But that's all done and I'm finally settled down in my home for four months.

My side of the dorm room.

I also had my first class today: Current French. I know, I get a lot of questioning why I'm taking French in Korea. But I'm minoring in French, and is currently missing only one more course to complete that minor and my schedule is already packed when I go back to Canada. However, the class was definitely not something I expected. First of all, it was taught in Korean, second of all, there are only 10 people in that class, and it also seems like the prof isn't 100% fluent in French (or at least he has some kind of an accent). The times he spoke in French I couldn't really understand him, or is that because of my weak skills? Hmmm, maybe I should brush up my French... I don't think I'll be dropping it, though. Since all the tests and exams are only based on course material, which is in French, so I can just study off of that. Plus, since I'm on an exchange, I only need to pass! Hahaha

So I haven't made much friends yet, which is sad because Korea is a culture where being in a group is preferred, so I look so pathetic being alone all the time T.T But hopefully that would change by the end of the week after I attend more classes. To be honest, I thought I would be fine being alone coming from a single child family, but boy, was I wrong. When you're surrounded by an environemnt and a language that you are not familiar with, it gets real lonely, real fast. 

I've also noticed that I get quite some stares, but I don't even know why. I mean, I don't look THAT different than a Korean. Black hair with yellow skin. Maybe it's because I'm shorter than average? Or maybe because my skin isn't as nice as theirs? I don't know what it is. It's real strange. Or maybe I'm just paranoid.

Anyway, fun facts:
- Celebrities with most CF deals: Suzy (Miss A), Kim Soohyun, Lee Seunggi, Yoo Heeyeol (this is a surprise for me), Lee Minho
- There are no trash bins on the street

Here are some things that I already miss about Canada:
- People holding the door for you
- 'Sorry's' are said as an automatic response
- The 'excuse me's' said when passing through

Just ranting, I've also met some genuinely nice Koreans that are willing to get out of their ways to help. So, God is always good :)

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