Monday, August 11, 2014

Pre-departure preparations

Finally things are coming together.
Visas are applied (and picked up), accommodations are settled, and classes are also registered. It seems like everything is more or less in control now.

Although Canadians get to stay in Korea for 6 months without a visa, I had to get a D-2 Visa in order to study there. To be honest it was kind of scary going to the Toronto Consulate by myself. The Consulate wasn't the closest to where I was living, which means if I forgot to bring anything it would take another hour of driving to apply again. But everything went smoother than I expected and I can now officially study in Korea!!

The accommodation took especially long to confirm. I've applied for the Gwanaksa (dorms) back in early July with uncertainties of whether I will be accepted into a room or not since space is very limited. And when I say  very limited, I mean very, very, VERY limited. Even more so, exchange students get no first priority at all. Rooms are allotted in a lottery ticket process, meaning it's by random. This is really frustrating since exchange students normally have no connections in Korea at all, and it would be extra hard for us to find an off-campus accommodation in the short time we're there.

But after more than a month of waiting, and almost giving up, results are out. I GOT INTO GWANAKSA!!!

Anyway, with that worry aside, I've also got all my courses registered. I'm pretty satisfied with my selections actually. They're all courses that either complete my minor or my major. Hahaha

There are only 2 more weeks until I arrive in Seoul.

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