Sunday, November 9, 2014

Busan Excursion: Day 2

Day 2!!!

After a night of not too good sleep (the first night always seems to be the hardest), we woke up bight and early to go to the Gamcheon Culture Village. With the help of the hostel and internet, we found the pretty little village without much problems.

Gamcheon Village played an important role during the Korean war where tons of refugees fled to the south side of the country. This is why the area is packed and packed with houses and families. The village and the area was still poorer and underdeveloped than the rest of Busan, prompting the government to step in on the revitalization of the neighbourhood (of which I found similar to the idea behind the Ihwa Mural Village back in Seoul). They invited artists to create artworks around the neighborhood, some villagers even helped! And now the village is much more flourished with the amount of visitors, locals and foreigners alike, it attracts. 

So colorful!!

You can buy a map of the village at a price of 2,000KRW and that comes with 2 post cards if you collect all the stamps from various attraction points. Just a way to get people to be involved. 

These creatures had human heads but bird bodies, a bit creepy if you ask me.

A fish full of fish...?

Let's follow the fishies!!

I don't know if you could tell how steep this village is, but I was so scared walking around.

The most famous attraction of the whole village - the line to take pictures with this was so long!

We had no idea how these games work. We tried, but failed right after we started...

These fishies usually provide you with directions, so if you ever got lost, just follow one, and you'll find yourself at an attraction point. By this point, we were following them to get out of the village. 

A look back. It never ceases to fascinate me.

The other side of the village. A port city indeed. 

The total amount of stairs that took us back to civilization. 

Our main goal today was actually to see the fireworks, but since we thought we had a little bit of spare time left, we decided to check out the Busan Tower first.

Busan Tower! It's not as impressive if you've been to the Namsan Tower first. So we simply just walked around and left. At least we didn't need to pay.

I guess the connection between love locks and towers is pretty common in Korea.

After that, we just decided to start heading to our highlight of the day, the 10th Busan Fireworks Festival. It was held at the Gwangalli Beach area.

This is why I wrote we "thought" we had spare time previously. It was already packed with families and couples by the time we got there. And this was 4 or 5 hours before the fireworks begin. After a fight to find a spot to sit, we began to struggle with finding things to do until the show. Luckily on the way there we did get some food or else we would've died of hunger instead of boredom first. The weather was fine when the sun was out but it got colder as it got later and I forgot to bring my jacket. So the wait got really cold and it annoyed me because there was absolutely nothing to do during the wait. So we just sat there.

The beautiful Gwangandaegyo Bridge, the largest bridge over an ocean in Korea, it has light shows every night. People also called it a pearl necklace. Too bad I couldn't get the best picture as we weren't sitting at the best spot, which gets even more obvious when the fireworks start. 

It's 7pm!! Let's start the show!!

I haven't seen fireworks for the longest time, I missed this so much! >.< But this is the first time I've seen fireworks so close. Definitely a show I'll never forget.

Although we grabbed some food to eat before the fireworks, it was definitely not enough, at least not for me. And we just so happen to have a Kyochon Chicken near our hostel, so I was like, WHY NOT? WHO CARES ABOUT BEING FAT? And so I ordered chicken as my midnight snack/late dinner. And look at that handsome face of Lee Minho ^^

I forgot how much it cost, but it came with a small pepsi, radish (which I think is to cleanse your mouth or breathe with) and the chicken itself. 

So yums!! Nomnomnom. One of the best I've tasted yet, but it's so expensive.

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