It's been a week since I'm back to the Northern land of cold and snow (aka Canada), and I'm slowly integrating myself back to the normal life. But then I stop and think, what is normal? Waking up to my roommate's alarm even though it's not meant for me, hiking up the massive mountain hill to get to the campus shuttle bus, not paying attention in class because it's only a pass or fail course, and then racking my brains out to figure out which part of Korea to explore the coming weekend seemed normal for me some weeks ago for a good 4 months, I've grown accustomed to that lifestyle, throwing myself into unknown situations and environments, surrounding myself with unfamiliar people who speak a language I only understand to a certain extent, and most of all, doing all these with lovely friends from all around the world. South Korea has treated me really well, but at the same time, I'm glad I'm back. Back to my family, back to my familiar surroundings, and back to my friends at home.
I've gained so many different experiences in just 4 months. I've got to interview the country manager of DHL, organized trips by myself, went to a concert, and finally starting to appreciate spicy food. These are memories that I will never forget and will cherish them forever.
On the first days back I was super jet lagged that not only was my sleeping schedule messed up, my stomach was also thrown off. I didn't have appetite for almost 2 days and I felt like throwing up. But after a while I went back to eating and the first meal I had was all you can eat sushi. Not too surprising, my stomach got upset again. It would've been better if I actually was ale to vomit, but I couldn't because I didn't have any food in my stomach. All is well now, although I am still a bit sleep deprived.
As of right now, I have to slowly get used to paying attention in class because grades actually count especially if you're doing accounting and graduating soon. There are also some administrative things that I have to deal with the school after coming back, but that's the easy part.
I will continue to blog about my adventures in Korea as I am not finished with them yet. I've went from writing about them the next day, to postponing them to the next month, to blogging about them after I leave Korea. But I guess it's a good way for me to relive my memories. I'm so lazy. But stay tuned!!